January 18, 2025


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The Day the Roller Coaster died in Branson, Mo + Video

     The Day the Branson Roller Coaster died

Whenever an iconic entity dies in Branson, a part of it dies with the local folk. And it was no different the day the wooden- rustic roller coaster came down at Celebration City.  Hedged on several sides by rope and wire, they pulled and they pulled until the roller coaster fell. The folks who filmed the event waited for nearly a day to get the shot of the coaster coming down. Celebration City which is owned by Silver Dollar city, decided it was time to demo. And demo they did. Some of the wood was donated to the church that resides inside the park of Celebration City. The Church Woodland Hills family church used the wood to make different items. And donated pieces to the congregation.
More on the roller coaster here!

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