Eddie and Michael were at it that is for sure! Eddie didn’t feel Michael was pulling his weight and
that he was a terrible Bass player. It’s even rumored that Eddie Played many bass parts on future
albums to come. And many of the parts on 5150 and 1984, notice they are both numbered albums,
and mean totally different things. And by or around 1984 he had gotten tired of Michael Anthony’s
ways. He had said in print that Michael rarely showed up, brought any new music to the table, and
was just drawing the big check. So Eddie had reached out to Billy Sheehan from talos about
playing bass for Van Halen. And maybe Michael had gotten wind of this. So Dave, Alex, and Eddie got together and had their attorney draw up paperwork, cutting Michael out of certain
percentages of the band, and two weeks later Michael signed it. Years later a video comes out of
Sammy Hagar talking about how Van Halen split the music four ways, and that included Michael
as well. So they never enforced that agreement with Michael. I would presume any attorney
would have said if you have another member of the band not writing music (Alex) you can’t
discriminate against another member. Leave your thoughts below, or follows us at Van Halen
Mania on facebook.
Why Did Michael Anthony sign such a bad deal?
Why did Van Halen hire a certain type of band to open for them?
What album broke up Van Halenhttps://branson-localnews.blogspot.com/2023/08/behind-scenes-of-making-of-famed-1984.html