How to find a Restaurant on a Friday night in Branson, mo
It isn’t as easy as you think. Your rushing into Branson to try and catch a show, or some shopping, or an attraction on a busy Friday night, and you need to find something fantastic to eat. Only problem is, is your in wall to wall traffic. If you’ve arrived from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, or Kansas. You’ve got to be prepared for a rough and tumble traffic experience on Friday night.The strip is packed and it is very hard to get anywhere. Most people like to get over to the center of town, which meets right at the good ole Grand Palace. And work there way from there. Usually most people go to their hotel first, and then try and hit a restaurant. On Friday night most restaurants aren’t a destination, on Saturday night, there is even more traffic here than usual. Friday’s you still find it hard to get around. Go eat first, hit your attraction, and then go to the Hotel and get settled in. Hitting your destination first, is the best way, to get your meal in and avoid the rush.