Silver Dollar City Roller Coasters by Type and name
There are some amazing Roller Coasters at Silver dollar City.
Lots of different kinds of coasters, and fun to be had by all.
SDC keeps all of their rides in great shape, and offers so many amenities around all there is to do there.
1)Fire in the hole-I’ve ridden this one many times over the years. I always thought they kept it very loose on purpose, and rickety. I guess that was true as they’ve kept it around forever.
2)Time Traveller-This was released a few years ago and is just amazing. From it’s sleek look to it’s rotatting cabin. It’s simply amazing.
3)Outlaw Run-Is a cool eclectic Roller Coaster and a must try,
when visiting SDC!
4)Thunderation-Lots of peaks and valleys on this thing, and lots of speed. My 5 year old daughter loves to ride this one. But I wouldn’t advise it for everybody.
5)Powder Keg–
6)Wildfire -Will take you completly upside down and then some. This is an amazing ride, and definitely for the Roller Coaster enthusiest.
7)The Grand Exposition Coaster
8)Buzz Saw Falls-This is a tube raft ridge that drops you down and right into the thick of things. Prepare to get wet, and then some. I believe this is a seasonal ride due to all the water that you’ll be consuming.