October 16, 2024


Bringing Branson to you for 2022!

The don’ts of visiting Branson MO

The don’ts of visiting Branson, Mo

 Hi Everyone! I hope all is well on your trek through all that is Branson, Mo. This is the place to have a nice lo key vacation, with no hassles except the traffic.  There is so much to see and do on your trip, that I thought I might include things you shouldn’t do, just to help you navigate a bit. 

1) DONT DO A TIME SHARE PRESENTATION-I haven’t ever heard of one yet that turned out good. The person that sells you on the tour, isn’t the person who meets you at the presentation center. Sure they offer you some nice shows, attractions and different things, but a 90 minute presentation, really isn’t 90 minutes. So don’t do it, find other ways to save money, like 2 for 1 tickets up on the strip. 

2) Don’t come to town without a hotel reservation-sure there are lots of hotels here, but the really, really well reviewed ones, don’t always have rooms! Make your reservations early, and be prepared on where you will sleep. Review your hotel well, and rest assured (no pun intended) to get a good nights sleep. 

Branson Hotels closing for 2024 what you need to know


3) Don’t come to town without your route worked out-Branson isn’t a large place, but it is might! Traffic can be a bear and hanging out on 76 is tough. So know where your going before you get here!

4) Don’t bring too many people and rent a big enough space-Branson has a lot of different types of spaces, from Air BNB to hotels/Motels to resort. So make sure your space is big enough to accommodate everyone and all their needs. Nothing like being miserable due to over crowding. A Hotel room is 6 or 7 people total with 2 queen beds. So get two rooms with a connecting door if you must. 

5) Don’t shop at the regular grocery storesthey command a tourist pricing model. Hit walmart in town as you get the tax differential, and you won’t pay tourist prices.