When he curtains fell these for these stars of Branson
If you had one place to die in this world, why wouldn’t you choose Branson. Well, these country music legends all played their last full show in Branson, Mo or had theaters. Some passed during the boom years, and some did a twenty year stint here. This is my list and I’m sticking to it. lol!
1}BoxCar Willie-he is number 1 in my book. He went out like no one else. Box had a theater here,on the majestic strip, and when he passed they closed 76 down. Yep! closed it down. A hearse containing Box’s body, crawled all the way down all 7 miles of that strip to Highway 65. I had never seen anything like this in my life. I thought it was an incredible salute to a great man. Who helped promote Branson in the 70’s long before it was anything and everything.
2)Andy Williams-did a lot for the sport that is Branson now. Also owned a theater on 76, and worked hard for over 20 years to promote this town, and has also been a doorway for other acts, such as the Osmonds. (Osmonds.com) He always owned the Mcguffy’s building right next to his theater and leased that out to them for 15 or so years. Until he took it back over and created,The Andy Williams Moon river Grill. His Mama’s pot pie was to die for.
3)Waylon Jennings-played the Lowe’s theater across from Roy Clarks on and off for a few years in the early 90’s before dying. I used to see his billboard and new he was a Country Music legend. His shows did Ok, but while Branson was just becoming a brand, his career was winding down.
4)Roger Miller-he passed sometime after his run in Branson. But he did some amazing shows. Telling stories about characters he’d know in the industry and did some comedy himself. Very nice to everyone and humble.
5)Number five has got to take the cake. This crooner, played a lot of shows, as he was quite a traveler around the three states doing shows. Conway Twitty (twenty) died on his tour bus in between shows, I believe of a heart attack. For some reason this always struck me kind of weird as I had met in a couple of times. Check out my other blogs by clicking the arrow at the top of the page!